Thursday, September 19, 2013

2013 Fall Tour starts tomorrow!

I realize that it's been a decent while since my last post.  There are a couple of reasons for this:

1)  It's very difficult to find time to post while I am in the middle of a tour that has more shows than days on the tour.  Over the years, I've had more shows on my tours, and less time to work with as a result.

2)  My family was with me during my Summer Tour.  I didn't even have a chance to think about posting an entry during that tour.

But my biggest tour begins tomorrow, Friday, September 20th, and includes 40 shows in 30 days!  I hope to see you while I'm out on the road!

Here's an overview of the schedule (click on it to make it huge):

Full details can be found, as always, at

Hopefully I will find the time to post a few times during the tour, but don't count on it!